
DIY Garlic Anti-Shed Tea Rinse Treatment

28th Jul 2021

It is considered normal for a person to shed about 50 to 100 hairs a day. When you experience more than that, it's considered "excessive shedding" (known medically as telogen effluvium), which can be very upsetting There are several reasons for excessive shedding, including beginning a new hair growth regimen, in which you increase the hair growth rate. In this instance, excessive shedding is very temporary. What's being experienced is hair that would have shed a bit later in the  hair growth cycle is joining hair that is currently shedding. This will normalize as your hair adapts to the new growth rate.

But there are other common reasons for excessive shedding that include:

  • Weight loss (losing 20 pounds or more)
  • Severe or prolonged stress (may happen weeks or months later)
  • Undergone an operation (post-op)
  • Recovering from an illness (especially if it included high fever)
  • Hormonal changes (ex. stopped taking birth-control pills, post-partum, etc)
  • Medications

Most of these resolve themselves after the event that caused it is over and your body readjusts. But, if these are not address, this can be long-term. As always, if there's any great concern, please see you health professional to rule out any serious illnesses or conditions. 

But, there are preventative measures that we can take to avoid or lessen excessive shedding.

This DIY treament helps with the health of the scalp, strengthens the follicles, and help with blood circulation, all working together to help keep you from stressing over excessive hair loss (uh...stress. Need I say more?)

The Superstar of this DIY Treatment is garlic, which brings its anti-microbial and anti-inflammatory powers to bear. We've also added aloe vera and honey for hydration and olive oil for nourishment and, of course, we follow up with Kukua Premium Hair Growth Tea, which stimulates hair growth, strengthens the follicles, and blocks the production of dht, which causes the hair follicles to weaken and shrink.

This 2-part powerhouse treatment helps to prevent shed and increase growth.

Now, on to our DIY:

Garlic Anti-Shedding Tea Rinse Treatment 

3 cups water

6-8 cloves of  garlic

2 tbsp  Kukua Premium Hair Growth Tea leaves

1 tbsp  raw honey

1 1/2 tbsp  olive oil

1 tbsp  aloe vera juice


1.  Using a garlic press, crush all the garlic cloves and place into a bowl.

2.  Add the olive oil to the crushed garlic and set aside

3.  In a saucepan, bring water to a boil and mix in dry tea leaves.

4.  Remove from heat, and allow to steep for 20 minutes while tea cools.

5.  Strain the crushed garlic and olive oil mixure into a bowl and stir in the honey and aloe vera juice.

To Use: 

This treatment should be used between the wash and deep conditioning steps of your wash routine.

1.   Apply the garlic mixture directly to freshly washed scalp, massaging gently to completely cover.

2.   Allow to sit for 10-15 minutes.

3.   Rinse thoroughly with water to remove while gently massaging the scalp.

4.   Pour cooled Hair Growth Tea onto the entire scalp, allowing tea to run down strands.

5.   Follow up with deep conditioning.

How Often to Use: 

This treatment can be used monthly as a preventative measure against excess shedding and as an elixir for the follicles.